Friday, February 13, 2009

Unnecessary Exertion of Energy

So, I've officially finished about a week and a half of work. There are three main points that I've come to realize:

1. USTRANSCOM is a big waste of government money.
2. For as big a base as Scott is and as much brass as it houses, there is NO EFFING PARKING!!
3. I am so ready to get out of the military!

Let me explain. US Transportation Command, or TRANSCOM, stood up approximately 4 years ago with the intent to oversee all military and military contracted surface, sea and air movements across the globe. Nice idea, right? Have one group organized of all different forces, whose sole mission is to come together and monitor whatever is moving within their scope around the world. In theory.... However, the Air Force already has TACC, the Army already has SDDC, the Navy has their thing as do the Marines. Not to mention, MY job, a Command Post controller whose main position in the military is to have command and control over everything that happens on a base and be the eyes and ears of the head honcho, is already being worked by FOUR other units on base. There is a wing Command Post, an AMC Command Center, TACC, and an AMCC
STILL not quite making sense? Ok... when the TRANSCOM stood up, the newly appointed commander decided that since the AMC Commander across the street had his own Emergency Actions Cell and command center and the Wing CC on the other side had HIS own Command Post that by all rights, he should have his own; hence, my current position: a peon in the TRANSCOM EA Cell. My main duties include answering the 6 phone calls a day and changing the channel from CNN to Fox News. It's truly a wonderful spendature of time.
To make things even more sparkly wonderful, I was going through the training outline the other day and I was instructed that when we go to meet the General, I will be shown the big glass doors to his office but under no circumstances am I to EVER walk through them. We are to walk in the back entrance so as not to be seen. Say what?! I work for that man and I'm not to be seen?? Like we're the damn hired help or something? Now, THAT'S some bull shit.
I keep shaking my head because I took this job because I NEEDED a change of pace and location, I knew it would be a pay cut (didnt realize HOW much) and I knew it would be a little colder but all that would be worth it if the job kept me busy enough to keep my mind off things. Sweet Jesus!! I'm going to enroll in school the second I'm done with training. I've never actually been ENCOURAGED to finish my degree at work before. That's something new.
However, the silver lining to this little diatribe, because it can't ALL be bad, right? I mean, aside from looking at school as a good thing, the people seem honestly cool. I guess you'd have to be to work in a place like that. There's only about 2 that I can see that will annoy me a bit but one I don't think will be there much longer so that's a good sign. Again, one can only hope in this situation.
In OTHER news, did ya'll see that stuff about Chris Brown and Rihanna? Giirrrlll!!! Lemme just go on record, right up front and say that there is something fishy with that story. And this is why: Story goes that the couple were in his car and he was driving her home. Enroute to her place, he got a suggestive text from another woman. Rhianna freaked out and made Chris drive on PAST her place where they stopped in a park. He supposedly hit her, she FAKED a call to a friend to meet her at her place and to have the cops waiting which only enraged Chris more so he started hitting her even more. She got scared, took the keys out of the ignition and threw them out the car. The story gets muddled from there with a witness hearing the screams calling the cops and Chris running away.
Ok...riddle me this. IF some hoochie called my boyfriend, the last place I'd want to be is in close confines with him. I would've made him drop me off and he could've done whatever the hell he wanted at that point. But, for argument's sake, let's just say, we did drive on. If someone is beating the heck out of you in a stopped vehicle, are you really going to take the keys and throw them out the window and STAY in the car to get your butt beat some more? I mean, is it just me or is this whole thing playing out to make Chris Brown look all evil way too quickly? And let me clarify! I do NOT think any man should lay his hand on any woman EVER. I'm just saying that I don't think Rihanna is as innocent in this thing as everyone is making her out to be.
That's all I have to say about that!
Until the next time.... XOXO

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